
Motorcycle Accident Statistics in Pennsylvania: Trends and Analysis

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August 19, 2024

There are close to 800,000 registered motorcycle riders in Pennsylvania. With approximately 121,000 miles of state and local highways along with 32,000 state and local bridges, there is plenty of space for riders to enjoy the beauty of the Keystone State and the freedom of the road. 

While riding a motorcycle may be enjoyable, there is no denying the dangers for riders. When accidents happen, the chances of a motorcycle rider suffering severe injuries and death are pretty high. This is why it is so critical for riders to do whatever they can to protect themselves, with the most important piece of protection being their helmet. Still, individuals who are 21 years of age and older and who have either completed a motorcycle safety course or have two years of riding experience have the choice of whether or not they will use a helmet under Pennsylvania’s motorcycle helmet laws. That choice is evident when assessing the data on motorcycle accidents, where as high as 40% of motorcyclists who were hurt in accidents were not wearing their helmets.

Since motorcycle accidents can produce catastrophic destruction and injuries, riders may be able to secure significant financial compensation for their harm. A Pennsylvania motorcycle accident injury attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP can help injured motorcyclists understand their rights to obtain compensation.

Understanding Pennsylvania Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accident Statistics in Pennsylvania: Trends and AnalysisMotorcycle accidents can occur in many ways. A driver can lose control of their bike due to a defect in the design, manufacturing, or construction of the bike, inclement weather conditions, or speeding. Another vehicle can hit a motorcycle. A motorcycle may crash into something. Almost 200 motorcycle accidents happen annually when a rider and a deer collide.

Regardless of how a motorcycle accident takes place, the result could be deadly for riders and their passengers. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation recently reported that of all of the fatal crashes in Pennsylvania, 20% were fatal motorcycle accidents. For riders, it is critical to know the dangers that can come with riding a motorcycle because motorcycle accidents and motorcycle accident-related fatalities have been rising. 

Being mindful of the data on motorcycle safety is critical for motorcycle riders to understand. For instance, Sundays are the most dangerous day for motorcycle riders as the highest number of accidents are reported on Sunday more so than any other day of the week. Monday comes in a close second for many motorcycle accidents happening in Pennsylvania. Likewise, since Pennsylvania winters can be bitterly cold and rough weather-wise, there are usually fewer motorcyclists. As a result, there are fewer motorcycle accidents in the winter than in the summertime.

Added to the time of the year and day of the week, other aggressive drivers can also be hazardous for motorcycles and contribute to the rising number of accidents. PennDOT indicates that of all of the reportable accidents that involved aggressive driving, 95% involved non-motorcycle vehicles.

Speak with an Attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP

Pennsylvania ranks high on the list of states with the most registered motorcycles based on population. Accidents happen frequently every year and appear to be rising making it increasingly dangerous for motorcyclists to enjoy the open roads. While some motorcyclists have the option of whether to wear a helmet or not, it is always recommended to take all safety precautions when riding, such as wearing a helmet.

If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident in Pennsylvania, call an attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP at (215) 731-9900 to schedule a free consultation where you can have your case reviewed.

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