Encompassing 67 counties with approximately 2,500 municipalities and only one town, Pennsylvania has more than 120,000 miles of roads and highways. Traversing these roadways are several thousand cars, trucks, buses, and other road-legal vehicles. The busy streets lead to car accidents occurring in Pennsylvania every single day.
Recently, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reported that there were 110,382 reportable crashes in the state. As many as 1,209 people died in these crashes, and 66,563 people suffered injuries.
When a motor vehicle crash happens, they are investigated and reported on by the Pennsylvania State Police as well as the 1,1000 local municipal police departments near the accident site. The information gathered by law enforcement is used to track and establish statistics on motor vehicle accidents throughout the state. For example, despite the current data showing that the total number of motor vehicle accidents has decreased, fatalities were much higher than in previous years.
Even though all types of accidents take place each year in Pennsylvania, there are some that tend to happen more than others. Certain types of crashes tend to be extremely deadly and dangerous.
As high as 99.9 billion vehicle miles were traveled on roads and highways across Pennsylvania. With all of the traffic on the roads, crashes happen frequently. On a typical day, a total of 302 crashes are reported, which means that 13 crashes are reported each hour. Every day, people lose their lives in car accidents, and when examining the most recent data, that means that three people die per day.
The following crash types were reported:
Of the 110,382 reportable crashes, angle crashes were the most common responsible for 33,168 crashes. Hit-fixed object crashes were next with 31,176 crashes, and the third was rear-ended crashes with 21,055 crashes. The fewest number of crashes that were reported were backing-up crashes, with 354.
If you were injured in a Pennsylvania car accident, you may be able to file an injury claim for compensation. Please call Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP today at (215) 731-9900 and schedule a free consultation with a Pennsylvania car accident attorney.
123 S Broad St #1820
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Email: lnelson@law-pa.com
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