If you were injured in an injury accident in Pennsylvania, you may incur several costly expenses as a result. Some of these expenses could be related to the medical treatment you needed for your injuries, repair costs for damaged personal property, lost wages from an inability to work, and more. When all of these costs are added up, they can amount to a substantial sum of money. But, if another party’s negligent actions caused your accident and your resulting losses, you shouldn’t have to shoulder the burden of paying these costs from your own pocketbook. The individual who was liable for your injury accident should pay.
An injury accident caused by a negligent party may motivate you to file a claim for the money you need to cover all of your expenses. You may have questions about the personal injury claims process and how to go about obtaining maximum recovery, but you don’t think you can afford an attorney to help you with this objective. This is a common misconception.
It is to your advantage to work with an attorney when you decide to take legal action against the party that harmed you. Legal professionals are trained in tort law and know the system and what to do to gather enough information to put together a strong claim. They know how to value how much a claim is worth so that you can secure a fair amount of compensation. And, they know how to negotiate the compensation you are owed. An attorney can manage the claims process for you so you can continue to heal and recover from your injuries.
The good news is that no matter what your ability to pay an attorney upfront is, this will not limit your access to legal representation. This is because most attorneys in Pennsylvania work on a contingency basis. Essentially this means that you do not pay for your attorney’s services unless they recover compensation for you.
After an injury accident, you can take your case to an attorney and have it reviewed. Your attorney will advise you on whether you should file a claim or not. If you have a case to make for a claim, your attorney can start the claims process. While your attorney will manage your claim, they will keep you updated on what is happening throughout each step. They will keep you fully informed. Even though an attorney may help you with your claim, you have the final say on all decisions.
Due to the contingent fee agreement, you have with your attorney, usually the only time that you will pay your attorney for their services is if they recover compensation for your damages. As a result, your attorney has your best interests in mind because if there is no recovery, they do not get paid.
Attorneys will typically take some percentage of a settlement as payment for their services. This allows victims of all financial and economic backgrounds access to legal representation. When you are injured in an accident, do not hesitate to meet with an attorney. And when you do, you should ask the attorney about their fee structure so you know what to expect.
Call a Philadelphia personal injury attorney today at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP, at (215) 731-9900 to schedule a free, initial consultation.
123 S Broad St #1820
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Email: lnelson@law-pa.com
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