The National Safety Council reports that the construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries to be employed. There are more workplace deaths in the construction industry than in almost any other occupation.
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics echos these points, indicating that as many as one in five workplace deaths take place in the construction industry. Recently, almost half, or 47.4% of all reported fatal falls, slips, and trips happened in the construction industry.
Every day construction workers are challenged to do their jobs well and be mindful of the risks of their jobs to stay safe. However, if a construction accident happens, injured workers must know their rights. After a workplace injury accident in Pennsylvania, you can contact a Pennsylvania construction accident lawyer at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP to learn more about what you can do to obtain compensation.
There are millions of work-related injury accidents that take place every year throughout the United States. In Pennsylvania, injury accidents in the construction industry are very common. Accidents that happen most often on a construction site include falls, electrocutions, being struck by an object, or getting caught or crushed in a machine. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration calls these accidents the “Fatal Four.”
There are several actions that can be done on a construction site to improve safety and prevent the chances of being hurt in an accident.
All employees should be properly trained for hazards in the workplace and workplace safety procedures. This includes written policy as well as hands-on training.
Never enter a construction site or operate heavy machinery while intoxicated. If you see someone who appears to be intoxicated at work, report it to a supervisor.
Have a safety professional inspect a construction site before work begins and provide a risk assessment to be made available to all employees.
It is important that when a hazard is identified it is reported. In areas that have known dangerous conditions, signage should be posted to alert workers.
Everyone on a construction site should be properly fitted with personal protective equipment, such as hard hats, goggles, and work gloves, for instance, or any other type of appropriate protective clothing.
Workers should not use equipment they are not familiar with and don’t know how to operate the right way. Workers who are unsure of how to use machinery should ask for instructions or training.
To the extent that it is possible trying to keep a construction site tidy is essential to minimize the risk of accidents happening. Additionally, to improve visibility so workers can see any perils that may exist on the worksite, it is imperative to have the site well-lit.
Conduct meetings where OSHA regulations and guidelines are discussed so workers can follow them.
Use the right equipment as a safeguard for falls such as screens, canopies, scaffolding, and toe boards.
Staying safe on the construction site is essential but if you are harmed while at work, you can call Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP at (215) 731-9900 to schedule a free consultation.
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