Anyone can be in a car accident, but if you drive on a daily basis, your chances of experiencing some type of fender bender are high. Accidents can produce catastrophic results causing disabling and even fatal injuries. Accidents can also inflict tremendous destruction on one’s vehicle. Accidents happen every day, and they range in severity from minor to cataclysmic. If you have never been in a crash before, you may not know what to do first or where to start. There are certain things that should be done after any crash.
If you are wondering about your legal rights after a crash and if you can recover financial compensation for your damages, a Philadelphia car accident attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP, can help.
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, there were 115,938 reportable crashes in 2022. This means that there were 318 reportable Pennsylvania car accidents that took place every day that year. After a car accident, taking these steps can help you if you decide to file a claim for compensation.
Motor vehicle accidents can be shocking, emotional, and traumatic. It may be hard to think about all the things that you should do. This list may be a useful resource for any driver involved in a crash.
Call Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP, today to speak with an experienced attorney at (215) 731-9900 after a crash.
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