
The Most Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

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May 16, 2022

A slip and fall accident can take place in the blink of an eye and have been increasing in Pennsylvania over the years. In fact, about one million people are sent to emergency rooms every year due to these accidents. Whether one of these accidents happens at the workplace or at a business, they can lead to serious harm when they do occur. Being hurt in a slip and fall accident can signal a long road to recovery that you are not prepared for. By understanding the many causes of these accidents, you may be able to prevent one from happening to you or someone you love.

Causes of Many Slip and Fall Accidents in Pennsylvania 

Wet/Uneven Flooring:

One of the most common causes of slip and falls include the conditions of the floors that you are walking on. Some of these adverse conditions include the following:

  • Uneven floors
  • Loose flooring
  • Recently polished floors
  • Failing to close off areas with wet floors
  • Bulging carpets
  • Spills that have gone uncleaned
  • Splashed grease on floors

A property owner has a duty of care to ensure that these hazards and adverse conditions are reduced so that a slip and fall accident does not occur.

5/16 The Most Common Causes of Slip and Fall AccidentsEnvironmental Hazards: There are also many environmental hazards that can lead to a slip and fall. These include trash left on the floor, cords on a walkway, poor lighting in a business, cabinets that have been left open, and flooring transitions when floors change from one room to the next. Property owners can reduce the risk of these accidents when they use proper lighting and remove obstacles from places where they know people will be walking. 

Unsafe Stairs: Sometimes, stairs in a business or household can be inherently dangerous based on certain conditions. These include a lack of handrails, worn steps, debris on stairs, or polished stairs with no warning signs. 

Improper Safety in the Workplace: Slip and falls happen every year when precautions are not taken in the workplace. Workers are always supposed to be up-to-date on workplace safety practices so that these accidents do not occur. On top of this, they should always be provided with the correct safety equipment so that accidents can be prevented and lives can be saved.

Being injured in a slip and fall accident can be a life-altering experience. These accidents land many victims in the hospital each year and keep them from returning to work, which means that it can feel impossible to pay the bills that pile up. Having the help of an experienced attorney can be incredibly beneficial after a slip and fall accident.

Speaking with an Attorney After a Slip and Fall Accident 

Our skilled attorneys at Edelstein Martin & Nelson have the resources necessary to help you move forward after a slip and fall accident that has impacted your life. Our attorneys are here for you every step of the way during these difficult times. Having the help of an attorney on your side can ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve as you work toward results. Please contact a personal injury attorney in Pennsylvania at (215) 731-9900 for the help you deserve after any type of serious accident.

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