When filing a personal injury claim, getting the most from it is essential. To win a claim and get a fair settlement, a claimant must have robust evidence to support their allegations that another party was negligent and caused their damages. Claims can include a demand for all damages suffered, including medical expenses, missed wages, property damages, pain and suffering, and potentially more. If a claimant does not have enough evidence or they do not have any, they will not be able to secure financial compensation for their damages.
If you believe that you should file a Pennsylvania personal injury claim, it can be helpful to meet with a local attorney to learn more and obtain assistance. An attorney can help you identify and gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim.
Connect with a Philadelphia personal injury attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP, for help with your personal injury claim.
Depending on your accident experience, there could be many sources of evidence that you can collect and use in your claim. When you file a personal injury claim, it is your duty to prove that the accident you were in was caused by the negligence of another party who had a duty of care to you but violated it, and as a result, you were injured and suffered damages.
Once you can prove negligence on the part of the other party and that the accident took place because of it, you have to also prove the extent of your damages. Your attorney can use all information from your accident experience to calculate the value of your claim. Then, with this information, they can detail how much financial compensation you want in a settlement.
An insurance company does not want to pay for your damages because paying out settlements hurts the company’s bottom line. As a result, insurance agents are trained to find weaknesses, inconsistencies, and other issues with your claim so they can make low offers or deny your claim. But, when you have sufficient evidence to show that their insured party is liable for paying you and that the amount of money you are requesting is fair, then you have a much better chance of getting what you need in your settlement.
Examples of evidence you may find and use in your claim can include:
No personal injury claim will be complete and render monetary compensation without evidence. Evidence is a critical element to any successful claim. Evidence is necessary to prove fault and the full magnitude of the damages that were suffered.
For assistance with your claim and to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case, please call Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP, today at (215) 731-9900.
123 S Broad St #1820
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Email: lnelson@law-pa.com
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