
How to Handle the Emotional Impact of a Personal Injury

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July 17, 2023

When a physical injury is experienced, it can be an emotional challenge to manage the feelings and the stress that comes with trying to heal. If an injury is disabling and will never fully recover, leaving permanent impairment, this has the potential to affect a person’s well-being and mental health immensely. Personal injury events like car accidents, slip and fall events, and medical malpractice incidents, for example, happen every day. Victims that sustain injuries not only have to deal with the physical pain and resulting damages like lost wages from time away from work but also heavy emotional impacts.

It is imperative that a victim of an injury accident has what they need to get better. Even when there is no plausible outlook on a complete recovery, securing fair and full financial compensation for losses is important. Compensation can aid victims in getting the care they need to manage their situation. After a traumatic injury accident, the Philadelphia personal injury attorneys at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP,  can help you get the compensation you deserve. This can go a long way in helping you cope emotionally with going through a personal injury.

Tips for Emotional Healing After a Personal Injury Accident

How to Handle the Emotional Impact of a Personal InjuryInjury accidents can be some of the most shocking life experiences to go through. These incidents do not generally come about expectedly. As a result, trying to sort out what happened and what you had to go through, along with how your body was affected, can be stressful and upsetting. 

Right after an accident, there may seem like no light at the end of the tunnel. But things can get better, and there are ways to cope with the aftermath of a personal injury. The following advice may come in handy if you are struggling with coming to terms with your injury accident.

  • Your doctor is there to treat you, so tell your doctor everything you feel. All of your symptoms should be discussed, which helps your doctor put you on an appropriate treatment plan that accounts for all of your physical bodily harm.
  • Take care of yourself. The last thing you may be thinking about is your nutrition and exercise program. But, solid nutrition can promote better healing and overall health. Staying active, as long as it does not exacerbate your injury, can keep you energized and improve clarity in your thoughts.
  • Take steps to reduce other life stressors that may exist around you. You have enough on your plate when you are trying to recover. The last thing you need is other burdens weighing you down.
  • Do not be shy, and get support from friends, family, or a group if you can’t seem to handle everything on your own.
  • An injury accident can cause mental health issues to develop like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You may benefit from the help of a counselor and therapy.

Speak to an Attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP Today

Both minor and severe accidents can lead to mental distress. Working to manage your feelings and not allowing them to continue to degrade your quality of life is critical.

Call a personal injury attorney today at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP,  to schedule a free consultation at (215) 731-9900. An attorney can provide more information and resources to help you work through your personal injury experience.


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