
How Long After an Accident Can You Make an Insurance Claim?

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April 4, 2022

After you have been hurt in a car accident that is not your fault, you may be feeling alone and confused. This is especially true if you have never experienced a collision in the past. But how long do you have to wait before you are able to bring a car insurance claim for the first time? Or are you supposed to bring a claim right away? These are important factors that you should understand if you have been involved in a life-altering car accident.

Making an Insurance Claim After a Car Accident 

4/4 How Long After an Accident Can You Make an Insurance Claim?

After a car accident, the insurance company might say that you have to start the claim process as soon as possible. However, it is important to know that you actually have more time than that. If you are moving forward with a lawsuit, you may be aware of the fact that there is a statute of limitations on cases. The statute of limitations is how long you have to bring a claim before you are barred from doing so. In Pennsylvania, this is two years.

The insurance company’s time limits are as a little as a day or more when it comes to filing an insurance claim. In other cases, the insurance company says that you must file your claim “promptly.” You can take a close look at your policy to find out when you need to file a claim with the insurance company.

The reason why you want to act quickly and bring a claim immediately after an accident is so that you do not miss out on the compensation you deserve. If you wait too long, your payout could be impacted because too much time has passed. The insurance company might not be able to assess all of the damages associated with your accident or be able to determine who is at fault if you wait too long.

If You Fail to Report a Car Accident 

A mistake that far too many people face every year is not reporting their car accident after it happens. In almost every scenario, you should make sure that you tell your insurer when you become involved in a car accident. This is especially true knowing that your car could have sustained damages that you may not be aware of, or you may have been injured and do not know it yet.

Of course, there are times that individuals may not be required to file an insurance claim. This is true in cases where there were minor dents or scratches on your vehicle and you could save money by repairing the vehicle yourself down the road. You can also report your accident but choose not to bring a claim based on these circumstances.

Speaking with a Skilled Pennsylvania Car Accident Attorney

Our attorneys at Edelstein Martin & Nelson are here to help you move forward after you have been involved in a Pennsylvania car accident. We understand how overwhelming a car accident can be and offer our help when you need it the most. Speaking with a Pennsylvania car accident attorney can ensure that your rights are being protected and that you have met all deadlines that are required of you. If you have been hurt in a collision, you should never have to stand alone. Please contact a car accident attorney in Pennsylvania at (215) 731-9900 to find out how we can help you at this time.

Note: Independent sources were used to create this post including news stories, witness statements, social media posts, and first-hand accounts about the accident and injuries involved. As a result, the details of the accident that are represented have not been independently verified by our own writing staff. If you find incorrect information or would like the post to be removed, please contact us immediately.  We will correct the inaccurate information or will remove the post completely.

Disclaimer: As a well-respected member of the community, we at Edelstein, Martin & Nelson strive to improve the overall safety and quality of life for everyone who drives on our roads and highways. We are always saddened by these accidents but hope that, through awareness members of our community will take precautions to avoid these accidents. This is not a solicitation for business, and this information should not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. The photos depicted in this post are not representative of the actual accident scene.

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