
Defective Product Injuries in the United States

Calendar today
October 3, 2022

If you buy something and it doesn’t work as it should or as well as it was advertised, this is a letdown. But, if you buy something and it malfunctions and hurts you or a loved one, this is a misfortune that you should not have had to suffer through. Consumers should be able to have confidence that the products being sold to them are safe. 

People are injured and even lose their life as a result of their injuries from defective products every year. Almost anything that you buy has the potential to have a deficiency that can cause you harm. Automobiles, toys, medical devices or medicines, electronics, and many other consumer products could have a problem with their design, the way they are manufactured, or the way they are labeled. It is generally expected that when you buy something and use it the way you are supposed to it should work for you and not hurt you. Though victims in Pennsylvania that sustain injuries from a defective product have legal rights and it is possible to obtain compensation after an injury from a product that malfunctions.

If you would like to file a product liability claim in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania defective product attorneys at Edelstein Martin & Nelson can assist you.

How Common are Defective Product Injuries in the USA?

Defective Product Injuries in the United StatesA victim of a defective product can suffer a great deal of physical bodily harm. Because of this, they may require intensive medical treatment and have to work through a long recovery process. When this happens, it becomes very difficult to work which means that the ability to earn a living is diminished. In Pennsylvania, victims of defective product injury accidents can file a claim for financial compensation to help them recover their expenses. In many cases, negligence on the part of the product manufacturer is the reason why the product was flawed and posed a threat. Damages in a product defect claim could include lost wages, the cost of medical care and treatment, pain and suffering, and more.In the United States alone, the Consumer Product Safety Commission indicates that on an annual basis defective products cause harm to around 30 million Americans. Defective product injuries are so common that they make up about 7% of all of the personal injury claims that are filed every year. No age group is immune to being harmed by a defective product. For example, over 200,000 children are injured from toys that are defective, and more than 20 young babies will die from faulty crib-related injuries.

Speak to a Pennsylvania Defective Product Injury Attorney Today

After an injury by a product that malfunctioned, you may have sustained significant damages. You could be entitled to compensation for your harm. To have your injury experience professionally evaluated by a knowledgeable Pennsylvania personal injury attorney please call Edelstein Martin & Nelson today to schedule a free consultation at (215) 731-9900. The legal team at Edelstein Martin & Nelson has extensive experience handling defective product claims in Pennsylvania and offers legal representation and support to victims throughout the product liability claims process.

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