
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Pennsylvania: Insights and Prevention

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April 22, 2024

According to PennDot Rider and Vehicle Services, there are around 800,000 licensed motorcycle riders in Pennsylvania. While riding on a motorcycle can be an enjoyable activity, it does come with many safety risks. Motorcycle accidents happen often with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration citing the thousands of fatal motorcycle accidents reported every year.

In Pennsylvania, there are a variety of reasons why motorcycle accidents happen. When motorcycle accidents occur, those driving and riding on the motorcycle often suffer the greatest physical bodily harm. This is mainly due to lack of surrounding protection.

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Pennsylvania, you likely sustained substantial losses and physical bodily harm. To recoup your damages, you are welcome to connect with a Pennsylvania motorcycle accident injury attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP.

Why Motorcycle Accidents Happen in Pennsylvania

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Pennsylvania: Insights and PreventionKnowing the hazards that can lead to a motorcycle accident can help you avoid such behavior or risks when you get on your bike. The most common reasons that motorcycle accidents in Pennsylvania happen are as follows:

  • Driver inattention and carelessness. A rider who is not focused on operating their motor vehicle or a driver operating their car due to distraction may have perils on the roads they don't notice which can lead to an accident. SAFETY TIP: Always be observant of your surroundings when driving and avoid distractions so you can pay attention to the road, operating your motorcycle or car, changing traffic, and hazards that may be present.
  • Speeding. Driving too fast for the conditions or surpassing the speed limit is incredibly dangerous. Pennsylvania gets all four seasons and winter can be incredibly cold with plenty of inclement weather like ice and snow. SAFETY TIP: Follow the speed limit and adjust your speed for bad weather or other road conditions like driving through an active construction site.
  • Visibility. The smaller size of motorcycles makes them less visible for other drivers especially those in larger vehicles. SAFETY TIP: Ensure a motorcycle has reflectors and working lights. Wearing reflective clothing can help improve visibility.
  • Lane splitting is when a motorcycle will ride in between two lanes. Other drivers may not see a motorcyclist coming up to them and may make a move on the road that hits a motorcyclist. Also, the reduced room that comes with lane splitting can mean that a motorcyclist has less space to make adjustments and can collide with parts of the vehicle that protrude such as side windows. SAFETY TIP: Always travel in a lane unless changing lanes.
  • Stopping suddenly. Traffic can always change quickly. That is why staying focused on the road ahead is essential. A car that suddenly stops can cause a rear-end accident with a motorcycle. SAFETY TIP: Keep room infront of you while driving so there is space and time for you to put on the brakes and react to sudden, unexpected stops.
  • Impaired Driving. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol makes it difficult to safely operate a car or motorcycle. SAFETY TIP: Never drive drunk. If you see another vehicle driving erratically, keep space and avoid them.

Speak with an Attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP

If you were injured in a Pennsylvania motorcycle accident, call Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP today at (215) 731-9900 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney.

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