
Bus Accident Claims: Navigating Legal Complexities and Compensation

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February 5, 2024

In Philadelphia, public transportation is a convenient and necessary way to travel for many people who reside in the city and its surroundings as well as for those who visit. While bus accidents are not reported as often as those between private automobiles, that does not mean that riding the bus does not come without risk. When a  bus accident happens, severe injuries and even death can result. 

Individuals who were harmed by public transportation have rights. Due to the many legal complexities that can come in the aftermath of a public transportation accident, like a bus accident, taking your case to an attorney who understands the laws and the nuances that exist in such situations can be advantageous to recovering financial compensation. 

In Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia personal injury attorneys at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP can help you if you were injured in a bus accident.

Bus Accident Injury Claims

Bus Accident Claims Navigating Legal Complexities and CompensationThe utmost priority after any type of accident is your well-being and safety, and that of others. If you are physically harmed then you may need emergency transportation to the hospital for treatment. If you are able, you should check on others to assess injuries and if there is a need for urgent assistance by first responders immediately call 9-1-1. 

If possible, gathering evidence at the accident scene is critical to filing a claim. Obtain the bus company’s information, and the identification of the driver, and ask witnesses for their information. Also, taking pictures of the accident scene and the destruction that resulted from the incident can be helpful.

Then, meeting with an attorney knowledgeable about how to manage complicated bus accident claims is another critical step in the process. This is because bus accident claims can have several parties that may be liable to pay you for your damages. The bus driver, the bus company, manufacturers, or other drivers involved in the accident could all hold some amount of culpability for the crash happening. It is imperative that liability is determined.

An attorney can also ensure that your claim is filed within the statute of limitations. That is, in the time frame that is allowable for legal suits to be put forth. If you wait too long and you do not file your claim in time, you could jeopardize your ability to recover the compensation you need for your damages.

After a claim is filed, then it is time to examine the claim and determine what it is worth. Using this information along with all evidence, negotiating to come to an agreeable and fair settlement will come next. Rarely will a claim turn into a lawsuit and have to be seen in court. However, should this be a reality for your case, then you need a lawyer who is prepared to litigate in the courtroom and fight to help you secure the most ideal outcome. 

Speak with an Attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP

A bus accident can leave you with several costly losses. You may be able to recover compensation for your lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, property damages, and more. A Philadelphia bus accident attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP will be able to help you get the compensation you need to recoup your losses. To schedule a free consultation with an attorney at Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP, please call (215) 731-9900 today.

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